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El Cambio que Necesitamos

La voz que merecemos


Este año es el punto de inflexión crítico para que nuestros ciudadanos prosperen y prosperen. Durante décadas, la representación Demócrata ha tenido su oportunidad en este distrito, y nos ha generado costos más altos y más criminalidad en nuestros vecindarios.

Es hora de que una nueva voz represente a TODOS los residentes y proteja a sus familias e intereses. Me dedico a apoyar sus valores, priorizar a las familias y abogar por políticas para proteger a nuestros niños, restaurar su nivel de vida económico y reforzar la seguridad pública, lo que incluye asegurar nuestra frontera sur.

Necesitamos luchadores comprometidos para defender este asiento. Al apoyarme, está respaldando un enfoque de sentido común en estas cuestiones vitales. ¡Juntos podemos garantizar un futuro próspero y seguro!

Hola, soy Roxana

Nací Roxana Reyes de padre cubano y madre puertorriqueña, ambos nacidos y criados en la ciudad de Nueva York.

¡He usado muchos sombreros! Fui secretaria legal, salvadora de vida silvestre, especialista en producción en una popular estación de radio e incluso bailé en un espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl de la NFL. Fui oficial de capacitación de campo de la policía en el Departamento de Policía de Tampa.

Una vez que hice de Arizona mi hogar a fines de la década de 1980, trabajé para America West Airlines coordinando un campamento de béisbol muy popular y estuve en el negocio de viajes durante más de una década. He sido agente de bienes raíces y representante de ventas en GoDaddy. ¡De hecho, incluso estuve en la Rueda de la Fortuna!

He tenido varios negocios pequeños, incluida una tienda de acuarios de agua salada y un negocio de buceo, donde mi esposo y yo llevábamos clientes a lugares exóticos como Puerto Rico, México y Fiji para bucear con tiburones toro y tigre.

He vivido en Tempe durante 36 años. He estado casada con mi esposo, Michael, durante 26 años. Tengo dos hijos mayores, varios perros, un gato y una tortuga.

¡Sería un honor ganar su voto en noviembre!

Prioridades para Arizona

Never before has Arizona experienced this level of mass illegal immigration, the fentanyl crisis, human traffcking, and unkown dangerous enemies pouring through our southern border.

I believe we need to return to sound immigration policy to enforce our existing laws, continue the build of the wall for real protection, properly equip our U.S. Border personnel and remove the incentives which encourage illegal immigration.

As a former small business owner, I know what it takes to build and maintain a business. Small businesses are the engine to our economy and the lifeblood in our communities.

We need to maintain our business-positive tax environment to help encourage growth and increase your standard of living. If we lose our State Legislative majority, Democrats have proposed a 12% corporate tax increase which would destroy our local small business community and drive them out of our state.

I strongly believe in the 2nd Amendment, which guarantees law-abiding citizens the right to own and bear arms. This is about a foundational constitutional right for self-defense and protection of our children and families.

I believe every person has the right to uncensored, free speech. Without it we can’t have an open and honest dialogue based on facts to draw our our conclusions.

Hyperpoliticized curricula has harmed the academic achievement and standards in our schools. Ideological curricula that teaches through the lens of critical theory has disrupted the learning environment by dividing students against one another on a superficial basis.

I support school choice and parental rights and will work tirelessly to protect our children. Republicans have led the way on education reform to help ensure that every child has excellent education options regardless of income or zip code.

As a former police officer, I understand how critical law and order are to society.

We must support our men and women in blue and give them the tools and resources they need to keep our streets and neighborhoods safe.

We must protect and respect the earned rights and benefits of our Veterans and Military.

I am committed to opposing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and standing in support of the State of Israel.

The BDS movement is an anti-Semitic movement which seeks to isolate and delegitimize Israel through boycotts, divestment, and sanctions. I firmly oppose these efforts, as they undermine the prospects for peace and dialogue in the region. Arizona should reject the BDS movement and promote constructive engagement and cooperation with Israel.

I am dedicated to fostering and strengthening the mutually beneficial partnership between Arizona and Israel. Israel is a vital ally, sharing our values and contributing to various areas, including technology, security, and innovation.

The Salt River Community is an incredibly important part of not just our district, but our state. We must ensure that the Community’s needs are being met and that we oppose any attempts to obstruct Community members’ right to vote.

Additionally, I approve of efforts to fund a Missing and Murdered Indigenous Peoples Committee and am heartbroken that this issue has not been taken more seriously in the past. Funding for tribal public safety agencies is also important as we look to lower crime rates across the state amidst a crime wave.

¿Vives en LD8?

Nuestro distrito es una hermosa mezcla de Phoenix, Scottsdale y Tempe. Tenemos la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, el Zoológico de Phoenix y el casco antiguo de Scottsdale.

¿Vives en el hermoso y soleado LD8? ¡Descúbrelo con mi mapa interactivo!

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Pagado por Roxana for Arizona

1753 E. Broadway Rd. #149, Tempe, AZ 85282